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September 13th Monthly Event, astroQuora

Welcome Back!
Portal Opens 7:15 PM
Event Starts 7:30 PM

Members have been e-mailed Zoom invite and codes.

We start up the 2023-24 academic year with a virtual gathering together via Zoom.  Members will be the stars tonight.  “astroQuora” is an open forum for members and volunteers to share and connect.

Special Report from Ted Williams[CANCELLED] as he travels to Wyoming to conduct a Rittenhouse Star Excursion.  

[PROGRAM NOTE] : Ted did not make it! Broke down north of Pittsburg. So sorry to those at the lodge expecting a final star watch. Lodge is now being sold, unsure if it will open again at this point.  

September 9

Open House~ Ryan Observatory

September 16

Volunteer and Member Observation Opportunity @ Ryan Observatory